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Summer 2016 - Israel cut back on the already inadequate water supply to Palestinians

27 Sep 2016

In early June 2016, during the fast of Ramadan, Mekorot - Israel's national water company - scaled down the amount of water it supplies to several Palestinian communities in the northern West Bank. These communities suffered an acute water shortage throughout the summer, and the shortage has not yet abated. Every summer Israel implements a policy of water cuts, to varying extents, forcing tens of thousands of people to make do with a supply of water that fails to meet their basic needs. Even without the cutbacks, like most Palestinian residents of the West Bank, the amount of water supplied to these communities is much smaller than the water available to Israeli citizens and falls short of the amount recommended by the UN's World Health Organization (WHO).

Mekorot's annual summer cutbacks to Palestinian communities is just one of the many reasons for the permanent water crisis in the West Bank. Other factors include the transfer of control over joint water resources to Israel, the inequitable distribution of usage rights in these joint resources, obstacles Israel places in the way of developing Palestinian water infrastructure, demolition and confiscation of existing infrastructure, restrictions on or denial of access to local natural water sources such as springs, wells and rainwater cisterns, and a consistent preference given to settlers when water is supplied.

Israel seized control of the area's water resources when it took over the West Bank in 1967, and has been managing them as it sees fit ever since. Under the Oslo 2 agreement, planned to remain in force for only five years, but still in effect today, Israel retained control of water resources. The agreement provides for an unequal allocation of water sources, allowing Israel to use 80% and leaving the remaining 20% for Palestinians. The agreement also stipulates that Israel sell the Palestinians 31 million cubic meters (mcm) [1 cubic meter = 1,000 liters] of water every year, as a supplement to meet residents' needs. The agreement also provides for the development of new, independent water drilling projects by the Palestinians, but despite international aid, the plan failed partly due to obstacles placed by Israel in the shape of long delays and withholding approval for projects and partly due to technical difficulties.

Though the Palestinian population of the West Bank has nearly doubled since Oslo 2 was signed, Palestinians are only able to use 14% of the shared water resources (103 mcm per year). This is due, in part, to an overestimation of the amount of water available in the areas designated for Palestinians, limited output from old drills, obstacles Israel places in the way of development, and lack of investment. Israel, for its part, uses 86% of the water resources, 6% more than what it was allocated in the agreements. Consequently, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is forced to purchase from Mekorot an amount two and half times greater than that set out in the accords. According to the Palestinian Water Authority and the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, the PA buys 63 mcm per year, of which 60 mcm is supplied to the West Bank, accounting for 36.6% of the consumption there and the additional 3 mcm is supplied to the Gaza Strip. The water is supplied to Palestinian communities in the West Bank via secondary hookups to Mekorot's regional water reservoirs, located inside settlements, and from there to local reservoirs. Due to the poor state of the water conduction network between communities in the West Bank and inside Palestinian towns and villages, about a third of the water supplied leaks out and is lost on the way, partly because of Israel's refusal to approve repairs.

The water quotas supplied to Palestinian communities are predetermined and do not increase in keeping with demand. In the settlements, water is supplied according to demand and consumption. In addition, as stated, during the summer months Mekorot meets the increased demand for water in settlements partly by reducing supply to Palestinian communities, as described in a story in Israeli daily Haaretz in June. The cutback on the water supply in these communities seriously reduces the pressure in the pipes, forcing Palestinian local authorities to rotate the supply between the neighborhoods, with each getting running water one day, while the rest remain cut off. The violation of Palestinians' right to water, sanitation and an adequate standard of living is clearly reflected in a comparison of water consumption by Palestinians and Israelis. According to Palestinian Water Authority figures for 2014, the average water consumption in the West Bank for domestic, commercial and industrial use (excluding farming and discounting loss) was 79 liters per person, per day. This falls far short of the WHO's recommended 100 liters per person per day, for personal and domestic use alone. The figure for the West Bank does include industrial use, making personal consumption per capita even lower. According to Israeli Water Authority figures, average consumption for domestic, commercial and industrial use in Israel in 2014 was almost four times the Palestinian consumption - about 287 liters per person per day.

Overall figures on average water consumption in the West Bank obviously do not fully reflect the water crisis there. Supply varies greatly between different areas and communities in the West Bank. At the high end of the scale are cities and developed communities where the water infrastructure provides households with running water, at least some of the day. These communities also feature paved roads that allow transporting water in tanks from alternative water sources such as springs and Palestinian water drills, when Israel cuts back on the supply. Other communities may have water infrastructure, but the cost of transportation and difficult road conditions make the supply of water from alternative sources difficult and expensive. At the bottom of the scale are dozens of communities that Israel keeps from hooking up to the water infrastructure. Access roads to these communities are often poor, so that the increased cost of delivery results in correspondingly higher water prices. In addition, in many of these communities, Israel also denies access to natural water sources and routinely destroys and confiscates tanks in which rain water is collected, or water from other sources is stored.

A survey conducted by UN-OCHA in 2013 indicated that at the time, 180 Palestinian communities, which are located in full or in part in Area C of the West Bank and a total population of about 30,000, were not connected to the water network. As stated, not only are these communities impeded from developing water infrastructure, but the natural water resources on which they had relied for years, such as water cisterns and spring-water reservoirs, have been seized or demolished. These actions are carried out as part of Israel's efforts to expel residents of these communities from their homes. Thousands of these residents consume only an average of 20 liters of water per person per day, and the water that gets delivered to them in tankers costs up to 400% more than the water gotten via the water grid. In many cases, poor sanitation in the water tankers means the water they deliver is not potable.

This state of affairs illustrates the extent of Israel's control over the entire West Bank, running the gamut from land designated Area C, where Israel imposes substandard living conditions by citing a variety of administrative pretexts to keep residents from developing infrastructure, through to large cities which are ostensibly under full PA security and civilian control, but where Israel still dictates daily routines by denying sufficient access to water for domestic, commercial and industrial use.

The town of Salfit, south of Nablus: 60% cutback to water supply in the summer

The town of Salfit is home to 15,000 residents. Approximately 60% of Salfit's land, including most of its built-up area, was designated as Areas A and B under the Oslo Accords, whereas the town's open spaces and farmland were designated Area C. About 35% of the workforce in Salfit is employed in agriculture and industry. Mekorot routinely supplies Salfit's municipal water reservoirs with 2,500 cm of water per day, and the water is delivered through the local water network to about 3,200 households and businesses in the town.

On 4 June 2016, the Palestinian Water Authority informed the Salfit Municipality that Mekorot had announced cutbacks to the water it supplies to Palestinians due to increased demand in the settlements over the summer. That same day, Mekorot cut off all water supply to the town and this led to the town reservoirs being drained dry. Water supply was renewed the next day, at 40% of what it had been. The Salfit Municipality was therefore forced to divide the town into three areas, rotating the water supply between them, with each area receiving running water for 24 hours at a time, while the other two remain without running water for two days.

The cutback is still in effect today. Over the past few months, residents have had to come to terms with the reduced supply, reducing their consumption considerably. This allowed the municipality to stop the rotating supply recently. When B'Tselem field researcher Abdulkarim Sadi spoke to Salfit residents on 23 June 2016, they told him about the what it's like to live in the situation imposed on them:

Halimah Shtiyeh, 45, lives in Salfit with her husband and their four sons:

Jamal Shahin, 47, cattle and dairy farmer says:

The village of Salem, east of Nablus: Water supplied once every 12 days

The village of Salem lies to the east of Nablus and has a population of 5,000. All homes in the village are connected to a water grid which is supplied by Mekorot at an extremely low pressure, forcing the village council to implement rotating service. To handle the intermittent service, most village residents keep water tanks on the roofs of their homes. Until May 2016, each household received running water once a week. In May, even before supply was cut down in Salfit and other communities, Mekorot scaled down the supply to Salem even further. Ever since, each household has had running water only once every ten to twelve days. People living in areas of the village that are at higher elevations receive no running water at all since the pressure is too low to reach them.

B'Tselem field researcher Salma a-Deb'i spoke to Salem residents on 30 June 2016 and they told her about what it's like to live with the water shortage.

Sahar Jabur, 44, lives in the village with her husband and their 13 children:

Rand 'Awwad, 43, lives in the village with her husband and their three children:

Khirbet Humsah, the Jordan Valley: Water grid hookups not allowed

Khirbet Humsah is a small community of about 20 families, located northeast of the Hamra checkpoint, relatively far from other Palestinian communities. Khirbet Humsah children go to school in the village of 'Ein Shibli, located about 12 kilometers away. Access to the community is particularly tough, a seven kilometer journey on rough dirt roads. This is one of dozens of small shepherding and farming communities scattered throughout the Jordan Valley.

Like other communities in the Jordan Valley and the rest of Area C, Khirbet Humsah is not recognized by the Israeli authorities, which actively seek the expulsion of its residents. The tents and tin shacks the residents lives in are under the constant threat of demolition by the Civil Administration. The Israeli authorities have designated the area where the community lives as a military zone, so that not only are they not allowed to build there, their very presence is not allowed. Every year, the military and the Civil Administration temporarily displace residents dozens of times ostensibly for military training near their homes. As part of the refusal to recognize the community and the efforts to expel its residents, Israeli authorities prevent Khirbet Humsah and other similar communities from connecting to the water grid.

Community residents must subsist in the extreme heat of the Jordan Valley, making a meager living off farming and shepherding, while facing a constant water shortage. There are no springs in the area, but residents have dug several cisterns to collect rainwater. The Civil Administration has issued demolition orders for these cisterns, and they are still pending. Community residents are forced to transport water in tanker trailers that are hauled along the rough roads leading to their homes. The vehicles, and tanker trailers themselves face the threat of confiscation by the Civil Administration. The Civil Administration's policy of demolishing water cisterns and confiscating water tanks is implemented throughout the West Bank. 'Afifah Abu Qabash lives in Khirbet Humsah with her family. She told B'Tselem field researcher 'Aref Daraghmeh about life under the cloud of water shortages:

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