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Is “safe” drinking a possibility thanks to synthetic alcohol?

Big News
25 Sep 2016

LONDON, U.K. - A newly discovered synthetic alcohol promises its drinkers a pleasant “buzz” without the harmful effects of drinking - like hangovers and long-term liver damage.

Dubbed “Alcosynth,” the drug was developed by David Nutt, Imperial College neuropsychology professor and former government drug advisor. This compound mimics alcohol in that it elicits feelings of drunkenness, but has a limited potency and apparently none of the short and long term side effects associated with alcohol consumption. 

Its creator has even gone as far as saying that it could have health benefits.

“We know a lot about the brain science of alcohol; it’s become very well understood in the last 30 years. 

So, we know where the good effects of alcohol are mediated in the brain, and can mimic them. And by not touching the bad areas, we don’t have the bad effects,” Nutt told the media. 

Nutt has patented 90 forms of the alcosynth compound, two of which are being tested for public use. According to a report by the Adam Smith Institute, strict European Union regulations have hindered the development of synthetic alcohol replacements in the past. 

Supporters of this research claim such alternatives could alleviate the heavy economic burden placed on the NHS as a result of heavy drinking.   

However, alcosynth advocators won’t be able to enjoy the drink in the coming future as further ($$$) testing is needed to determine its safety. Nutt expects it to replace regular alcohol by 2050. 

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